
Friday Morning Continuing 教育

UHCL Friday Morning CE presentation

欢迎每个人每周与我们一起探索独特而引人入胜的话题. 加入我们周五上午的CE讲座,拓宽你的视野 from disaster readiness to poetry to space exploration.

  • Upcoming Special 事件 - Fall 2024 Series
  • Friday, September 20 at 9:30 a.m.
    El Teatro Campesino on the Picket Lines and in the Fields
    探索El Teatro Campesino (ETC)的革命性声音制作实践 在Chicana/o民权运动期间出现的标志性的Chicanx剧院公司. 他们在平板卡车和联合农场工人(UFW)上表演的有力动作。 meetings, sparked political action and left a lasting impact. 加入我们的鼓舞人心的 talk on their influential work! 费:20美元

    在纠察线和田野上登记参加El Teatro Campesino
  • 9月20日星期五上午11点.m.
    Revisiting: Hernandez vs Driscoll CISD (1957)
    In this session we will be looking back at a U.S. District Court Case for the Southern District of Texas Corpus Christi Division. We will be looking at the discrimination 墨西哥裔美国学生所面临的问题,以及几年后的案例分析 布朗诉教育委员会案. 费:20美元

    Register for Revisiting: Hernandez vs Driscoll CISD (1957)
  • Friday, September 27 at 9:30 a.m.
    湾区芭蕾舞团 & 戏剧- 49岁的年轻人!
    Join Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre and hear all about their 49th season. 他们 are kicking off with a musical! 为什么是音乐剧? Come and hear all about how this fits into the ballet's mission and what goes into a musical. 你不会想错过的 and hear all about the amazing talent our area produces. 《欧洲杯猜球网站》开始了 September 27 and will run through October 6. 费:20美元

    Register for 湾区芭蕾舞团 & 戏剧- 49岁的年轻人!
  • 9月27日周五上午11点.m.
    What are the most 重要的 human impacts on the Amazon rainforest?
    让我们和辛迪一起深入探讨人类不断增加的负面影响 亚马逊地区的人口. We'll focus on impacts of agriculture, mining and transportation 以及它们对生态的影响,以及对最后一片几乎完好无损的雨林的保护 究竟. 费:20美元

  • Friday, October 18 at 9:30 a.m.
    了解沿海草原,这个正在消失的生态系统的重要性,以及 在欧洲杯竞猜网站的克利尔湖校区进行草原恢复. 费用: $20

    Register for P is the Prairie!
  • 10月18日星期五上午11点.m.
    Sustainability, Food Justice, and Refugee Urban Farmers in Houston
    活动家和欧洲杯竞猜网站使用“食物正义”一词来挑战多重不平等 in the production, distribution, and consumption of food. 加入我们,学习人们如何 休斯顿和其他社区正在动员起来,创建健康、环保的社区 sustainability, and economic opportunity. 费:20美元

  • Friday, October 25 at 9:30 a.m.
    “我们在这里。. 我们还在这里."
    2022年9月,休斯顿自然科学博物馆翻新了约翰P. 麦戈文 Hall of the Americas opened to the public. It is a living exhibit, emphasizing the 在现在被称为美洲过去和现在的土著居民的存在. 这 is what the title of the presentation refers to. What does it take to re-focus and update an existing exhibit? How does one choose exhibit storylines? 谁来决定 what to display and what not? Long-term Indigenous participation and input is extremely 重要的. How did the museum go about achieving this goal? 这些和其他主题 将给所有与会者一个幕后的一瞥,并希望吸引你来吗 visit this permanent exhibit. 费:20美元

    注册“We were here”. 我们还在这里."
  • 10月25日星期五上午11点.m.
    Pop, Fold, Cut!
    Have you ever wondered how pop up books and cards are created? 这个演讲将 introduce you to the art of pop up books and cards. Information will be shared about some well known paper engineers and their work. You will have the opportunity to create a pop up card to keep or mail to someone special. 费:20美元

    注册Pop, Fold, Cut!
  • 11月1日,星期五,上午9:30.m.
    'Exploration in the Medieval World: travel in the Middle Ages'
    本讲座探讨了中世纪的旅行者、商人和探险家. 通过 讨论北欧人对北大西洋的探索,欧洲骑士 十字军东征和丝绸之路上的商人,我们将调查他们的动机, 路线和经验. We'll examine medieval attitudes towards the unfamiliar, 在旅行写作中描绘“奇妙”,并考虑这些遗产 在这个独特的时期,探险家们将欧洲、非洲和亚洲的文化联系起来 世界历史时代. 费:20美元

  • 11月1日星期五上午11点.m.
    执法机构经常使用基因家谱数据库来追踪起源 身份不明的DNA样本. While the technique has shown promise in resolving cold 案件、对隐私、同意和基因分析潜力的担忧迫在眉睫 大. 本课程批判性地探讨公共安全和个人之间的平衡 权利,权衡在没有明确的情况下获取基因数据的伦理影响 同意. 通过探索这些道德困境,它试图为明智的政策做出贡献 讨论并促进警察中基因数据库使用的负责任实施 调查. 费:20美元

    悬案调查登记:遗传家谱数据库中的伦理问题 利用
  • 11月8日,星期五,上午9:30.m.
    The Election is over - Now what?
    通过对选举的社会学分析,让我们向斯蒂芬学习如何看待 通过一个新的视角,来分析它的意义,并希望能分辨出我们所处的位置 从这里开始. 费:20美元

    Register for The Election is over - Now what?
  • 11月8日星期五上午11点.m.
    Medical Ethics in the South: Past and Present
    在与多兰·帕金斯-瓦尔迪兹的历史小说《欧洲杯竞猜网站》的对话中 《欧洲杯竞猜网站》探索了公共卫生、医学伦理、 and community advocacy in the US South. We take as a case study New Orleans's Sophie 冈贝尔之家,一所从1922年开始为有认知障碍的女孩开设的学校 to 1946. 费:20美元

    Register for Medical Ethics in the South: Past and Present

Registration is open to anyone who wishes to participate. 居住地,年龄,学历 history, and student status do not apply. We also welcome those from out-of-town that are interested in joining us while visiting the area.


  • 位置:已登记的参加者将在接近上课日期时收到房间详情.
  • 停车: To park in Lot D on campus, purchase a parking permit by visiting 电子商务 (搜索“停车许可证”). The parking department will email you a temporary permit and mail a permanent permit to your residence. 停车 permits are not available for 在校园内购买.

Explore the Current Schedule and Register


课程参加者如取得满意成绩,可获继续教育单位(CEU) 完成课程. CEU registration forms may be obtained by emailing ContinuingEd@020sashuiche.com 或致电(281)283-3033. There is a $10 charge for CEU certificates.


如果您有任何问题,需要立即帮助,或有任何特殊要求 或者需要为残疾人士提供便利才能参加这个项目, please contact Continuing 教育 at ContinuingEd@020sashuiche.com.



“美妙的! I look forward to the upcoming offerings of a diverse curriculum. 有 enrichment value for each person."

"FMCE is a great way to learn a lot of new things! Once the class is over, you come out with a fresh mind and new perspective on 不同的 topics. 绝对推荐!"

"I was not only enrolled in the program [as a student]; I was also a presenter. 这 我鼓励其他有经验和故事的人也这样做 to tell in a particular subject. I hope to continue to play both roles."

"这 was an excellent lecture by an experienced faculty member. 做得好!"


“这些课程打开了我们的思维,让我们接触到以前从未想过或拓展过的东西 我们的知识和兴趣." 

“美妙的 program to grow your horizons!"

"I really enjoyed all the programs! It was very interesting and I learned something 不同的!"

“我很喜欢这个机会,可以学习不同的学科,和不同的人交往. 谢谢你的好意!"


  • Friday Morning Continuing 教育

    电话: 281-283-3033

    电子邮件: ContinuingEd@020sashuiche.com
